Commune with your Angels

Take time today to connect with our Archangels. Our angels are anxiously awaiting to assist you in any way you need assistance. Ask and you shall receive - remembering of course that when it comes to chooses in yours our angels cannot and willnot interfere with free will.  Honor them daily knowing that they are willing and excited to walk by your side every day.  Pay attention to reoccuring numbers, music, sites, sounds, smells, ringing in the right ear, etc.  When this happens our angels are trying to convey something that needs your attention. If occurences like these are happening to you, I recommend that you take some time to meditate and connect with our beloved Angels.
Journal Question:  How can I best connect with my Archanels and honor them with grace and gratitude?

Archangel Michael: (Who Is like God/He who looks like God)
Protected and the Guider of Light and Love
Escorts away negative energy
Michael's Helpers: Band of Mercy take negtively minded people/energy both alive or not and guides them to light of God
Removes fear of negative forces
Cleanses the mind and heart of worries and fears
Invite Michael into your home and office for purification and clearing of energies.
Michael glows in cobalt blew with specks purple.
Michael is the protector of Joy.

Archangel Gabriel: (Hero of God/God is my strength)
God's Messenger
Helps human messengers
Helps people in the arts/communication
Will help parents and supervise the birth of a new child
Breathes in new life and creative ideas into stagnant businesses and relationships by presenting you with new opportunities
Will help resurect any areas where you may be stuck.
Gabriel glows Cooper colored enegry
In charge of visions,dreams, and revelations ask for help in understanding.

Uriel (Light of God)
Brings divine light
heals painful memories
takes burdens and relieves hearts
Helps to see love when we perceive does not exsist: in self, bosses, customers, friendships, etc.
Helps during times of disasters and guides you into preparation
Helps restore peace of mind and self imposed preconceptions
Uriel glows in light Yellow shade
Helps with goals and dreams
Partners with you on projects.

Raphael:(God Heals)
In charge of forms of  healings:Earth, populations, doctors, scienctist, and persons working in spiritual healing modalities
creative Ideas and needed information to help with healing
Is present with medical crisis
Health Issues
Helps Inspired healers to enter into healing careers
Helps with creative ways to find financial and educations needs
Raphael is called upon for healing with the exceptions of those transitioning into death
Helps discern thoughts that are causing health problems, losing weight,
Raphael glows bright and clear Emerald Green light
Guides and protects travelers whether physical and/or spiritual journey's.

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