
News and Announcements

Embracing Your Intuitive Self Workshop





April 29th - May 1st, 2022

The Serenity Center

2040 Winter Springs Blvd.

Oviedo, FL 32765


This exciting 2.5 Day workshop will help you create the foundation that enables you to establish a trusting and confident relationship with your

intuitive self. Get ready to awaken your inherent spiritual gifts as we explore a variety modalities that will help further your connectivity.

This is an interactive workshop, in which you will learn how to embrace your intuitive self and bring forth your higher self. We will explore:

  • Connecting with Spirit,
  • Meditation,
  • Learn to tangibly feel the dynamic movement of Energy  and enhancing exercises,
  • Vitalizing breath work for healing, channeling, and amping up your gifts,
  • Access and amplify your "Clair" abilities by exploring different techniques that bring you to higher awareness,
  • Discover the world of Entura Art - channeled psychic art.  All materials included.

Class Schedule:

Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM - 1.5 Hour Lunch
Saturday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM - 1.5 Hour Lunch
Sunday 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Class Tuition: $225.00 per personadd to basket

Class range size: 6 Minimum - 12 Maximum


For more information please use the "Contact Me" form.

*While we respect and honor Covid Safety.  Please be advised that this workshop is interactive, Masks are optional but highly recommended.


Entura Art I and II Workshops

Entura Art Workshops


What Entura Art Is

Entura Art is a spiritual technique of creating art through color and motion by entering the energy field of a person or concept and then transferring the energy onto paper using pastel chalks as the medium. This art is revolutionary in that it allows the artist to relax into a channel/meditative state to communicate with Spirit and obtain in-depth information by entering the client or subject's aura/energy field.

Using Pastel Chalks is the ideal medium as the chalks provide super colorful pigmentation and flows nicely and easily against paper. Entura Art is color and motion combined; and using chalks assist Spirit in revealing images that you otherwise would have to know artistic techniques. Pastels are also wonderful for layering colors, which further aids in channeled creations.

The student does not need to know about art or artistic techniques in order to do Entura Art. In fact, the less you know about art and its techniques the better. Entura does not utilize thinking because the techniques and imagery is 100% channeled information in which you are the recipient. Through the utilization of Entura Art techniques, the mystical artist within awakens, and upon entering deeply within the self, the soul and spirit genius of the person guides the artist´s hand with the focus and direction of his/her inner sight, inner hearing, intuition, and sensitivity.

What to expect from this course experience:

Entura I:  Building the foundation of creating this beautiful and spirit guided art.

Entura II:  Further awaken your Creative Spirit, Spiritual therapy, Inspirational writing, and Healing the Heart with Entura Art

  • Further develop your Intuitive gifts and sensitivity to Spirit
  • Deepen and facilitate your relationship to Spirit
  • Meditation and Writing
  • Art and symbol interpretations
  • Pastel chalk techniques that aid in your Art development


Class size range 6 Person minimum - 12 Maximum

Entura Art I  & II Workshop Price: $350.00 Per person


This course length varies for more information about course length and dates please message me through the contact form.

Entura Art Soul Portraits

Entura Art is channeled art; the word Entura and means "entering into the aura," this medium of art is truly inspired, created and channel from Spirit. Soul portraits are based completely on the individuals energy and conveys images that allow you to meet divine being that are guiding you, insight into a past life that is currently still affecting you and guidance and direction. Additionally, Entura Art helps enhance your abilities opening up the portals for easier communication with Spirit, the Cosmic Realm, and all higher light beings.


Large Soul Portrait: $125.00 (18" x 12")add to basket

Small Soul Portrait: $85.00 (12" x 9")add to basket

Rate Changes and New Services Coming Soon

Beloved Soul Friends,

I’m sending this email out to advise that effect July 1st, 2013 my rates on services will be increasing. 

Unfortunately, I need to raise my rates - those of you that are familiar with my readings know that I rarely stay within the 1 hour time frame and have never charged for the overage of time. The reason I allow the overage of time is because I firmly focused 100% on need of the client which also enables you to ask any additional questions based on your personal need. This is true for every single service I provide in both Spiritual and Holistic Wellness.

All of my readings fall within 1 ½ hr – 2 hrs time frame, Instead of charging double the amount for the 1 hour of service, I will only raise my rates minimally; I fully intend to honor the same service/timeframe that you have all become accustomed to but unfortunately I cannot financially justify the additional time without an additional charge. So instead of charging for the overage of time I am officially making the readings 1 ½ - 2 hour readings and completely omitting the ½ and 1 hour readings.  In addition to the price changes, the CD recordings will now be an optional purchase for Tarot Sessions only.



You CD Reading Recordings available on Mystical Corner’s website

Anyone that has purchased a CD recording in the past will soon be able to access a personal archive page on of all your past recordings. You will be able to log in and download your readings on to your computer for the duration of 1 year. This service will not be an additional charge, however, in order to a have access to your recordings you must purchase CD recording at the time of your reading. 

Akashic Readings:

The divine knowing of the entire experience of your soul

Within the Akashic Records, is point of view of your pure essence; your divine souls evolution. This view widens your focus and helps you move into a dynamic perspective who you are and all that you will become. We will delve deeply into the experiences of your life and past lives from a broader perspective, not from emotional body or Ego self that may cloud or abstracts your true and pure view that is your true divine nature mind, body and spirit.

Entura Art Portraits

Personal Channeled Psychic Art in which you will be able to physically see the divine beings that are you brotherhood of lights: Spiritual Guides, Arch Angels, Avatars, and other spiritual beings that walk hand in hand with you throughout your life.  In addition to the visual image, you’ll receive a personal message that is essential to your overall spiritual and holistic wellness.


Price Changes Effective July 1st, 2013 for Spiritual Services:

(½ Hour Tarot Readings have been omitted entirely)

Tarot Reading: 1 ½ - 2 Hour reading: $ 85.00

Optional CD Recording: $ 5.00

(½ Hour Channel Readings have been omitted entirely)

Channel Reading: 1 ½ - 2 Hour reading $ 85.00

Spiritual Counseling 2 Hour Session: $ 80.00

Cleansings:  Personal: $60.00

Home: (Single family/Townhouse/Condo/Villa): $90.00

Multilevel Home: $130.00

Price Changes Effective July 1st, 2013 for Holistic Services:

Regression: $ 120.00

Color and Sound Healing and Trance Healing with Lotus Massage will now be converged.

These healings have always complimented one another and now you’ll be able to receive the benefit of both in combination.

Color and Sound Healing with Therapeutic Light Touch: $140.00


I thank you all infinitely for your continued faith in me and to my service of light. From the depth of my Soul, your trust and dedication to me fills me with bliss! 

I cannot express in words how honored and privileged I am that each you has entrusted your spiritual journeys, awakening, and enlightenment with me.  I look forward to our continued connections; each of you is an inspiration and a teacher to me as well. I’m dedicated in service to each of you. 



In true unity and oneness, in light and in divine unconditional love,


Tricia Saborio-Koike

Direct: 954.849.5052


Guardian of Offerings

To submit a testimonial, please use the Contact Me form, or visit my Google Places page.

Jan, Stuart, FL

I had the honor of having Tricia perform a sound and color healing. She has an incredible energy and presence. Embracing and comforting with a firm and gentle way of guiding the transition for the benefit of me. It was all about me and my desire to achieve wellness. For various reasons, the healing took a turn and Tricia easily an patiently guided me through some of the most difficult blockages of my life.
She has an amazing gift and ability to heal on a deep level. And whether experiencing a sound and color healing, or a Tarot card reading, (which was awesome) or any of her spiritual practices to help you along your path, she is a must for any spiritual seeker of any level. In my humble being, I honor her and all she gives and brings to this world. I strongly suggest to experience her in any form.

Roberta, Miami, FL

Nothing happens by chance. When a very dear friend of mine mentioned that he had gone to the best reading of his life (and he has done quite a few) I immediately stopped thinking about my grocery list I opened my ears to listen. I too was no begginer to consulting spiritual guide. When I walked into Tricia's home I immediately felt the powerful energy that she carries inside her which resonates into her readings. We were able to connect at a very deep level very quickly as the reading began. I went to her that day hoping to hear certain things in a format that i expected but just like it has been with my life I received what I needed and not necessarily what I "desired". My experience was one of true self awareness, she dove into aspects of myself that I was too scared to admit or realize. Spirits don't lie and Tricia doesn't sugar coat! I am very thankful I was able to come across someone that is blessed with such a powerful gift and that also has such positive intentions towards the people she sees. I plan to go back for other spiritual services and recommend her highly. Thanks Tricia for giving me the push I needed to begin this process of finding out who I truly am!

Hours of Service

Monday: 11:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.

Tuesday: 11:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.

Wednesday: Closed

Thursday: 11:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.

Friday: 2:00 P.M. - 6: 00 P.M.

Saturday: 11:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.

Sunday: Closed

I am ONE with Spirt, I am Free

How often have you yearned for a sense of freedom - be it from fear, anger, stress, anxiety or even a situation or relationship? When we allow our emotional and mental body to lead the way, it points in the opposite direction of your heart.  It leads you into an abyss of hopelessness and begins to direct every aspect of your life.  Your personality (ego self) will do its best to instill hopelessnes, it will do its best to make you question what you already know is real. It will make you question YOU.


In truth, you are free, you have the freedom Spirit that allows your to choose your path. You can focus on where you have been, where you are, or where you want to go or how you would like to live your life.  You can choose to hold on to fearful thoughts or open your heart (Christ Consciousness) to the unlimited possibilities.

Feel your freedome within, explore the depths of who you authentically,  be a brave souls and pursue with reverence those things that seclude you from your truth. Face your fears and all those other "things" that keep you from a distance from reaching into the light while standing in darkness.<.
Affirmation: I choose to allow Spirit/God within to guide me to a greater freedom than I can imagine. I AM free to live, learn, and enjoy all the wonders of my life and the life all around me. I AM one with God, there is no greater freedom that exists.


Dust Yourself Off - Complacency is not an option

So here we are coming to the end of June, and many are still feeling the residual energies of last year.
2011 was a year of chaotic and sporadic energy; immense with change and purging. The changes we faced were difficult to say the least; we lost relationships/friendships, jobs, homes, and suffered from losses across the board.

Hopeful that 2012 would change things around for us, we quickly became aware that change in a forward direction was perhaps not what we estimated.  Expectancy for a better outcomes we held our breathes and crossed our fingers in anticipation only to find ourselves holding our breaths and fighting the bondage of depression, fear, anger, and confusion.  For many, 2012 has not brought change at all – in fact, things have stayed exactly the same if not gotten worse from previous year.

It is in our nature to question why the ebb of stagnation is ever present into this new year and age. WHY?

Why me?
Why haven’t things turned around yet?
Why can’t something good happen for a change?
Will I ever come out of this situation, find job, home, money, love?
Why… why…why??

How many answers can we produce from a simply word – WHY? I have been asked this by clients and friends, I have asked myself even. Each of us has felt the stinging grasp of victim energy; its snare tightly wrapped around our minds, hearts, and physical forms. No one is exempt from its potency and we believe that fighting it will weaken its hold, but it doesn’t – it only holds on tighter, a strangulation of fear and a tearing down of fight.

In the short of it…that is the WHY. We simply give up and give in to feeling crappy. Feeling lower levels of energy staple us to the very foundation of who we try to avoid being.  We surrender, and with it comes insecurity and feelings of worthlessness. Unable to push forward we succumb to “well this is how it’s going to be for now on, so why fight it,” COMPLACENCY.

Complacency as defined in the dictionary:

A feeling of quiet pleasure or security,

often while unaware of some potential danger, defect, or the like;

self-satisfaction or smug satisfaction with an existing situation, condition, etc.

Interesting isn’t it?  “A feeling of pleasure or security – while unaware of potential danger.”
Cannot we not see how settling for our “bad stuff” keeps us attracting the same things over and over again? That is the real “danger!” We become so comfortable in our “yuck” that we forget how good it “used” to be or “can” be. We forget that all situations: good and bad are temporary.

Keeping the word “temporary” at the forefront of our hearts and minds enables us to propel forward. It is what keeps us in motion; pushing forward, not relinquishing to uncertainty, and definitely allowing the tides of change to advance us through any situation. 

When we become complacent, we begin to take things for granted, lack gratitude, and we most certainly do not forgive ourselves for allowing the darkness of the abyss to swallow us.  Complacency = Tragedy and we have no one to blame but ourselves.  We must understand that at the end of the day, there is NO ONE that can propel you forward other than YOURSELF.  There is no greater force in this world than you and your determination. If you began this year with a sense of expectancy for a recovered life and you haven’t achieved it, then it’s time to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and affirm that Complacency is not an option any more.  2012 is well upon us, make it work for you, set small goals, and take baby steps and giant leaps when possible – never give up and never settle.

Written by Tricia Koike for Mystical Corner 6/26/2012

Trance Channel Luiz Gasparetto

Attuning to Divine Order

Many of have been experiencing moments of descension; a lot of residual emotions: regret, disappointments, guilt, shame, anger, and fear are being stirred up. Spirit asks us to be patient, to remain in our hearts and to keep pushing forward because everything we are experiencing is all in divine order. You must allow yourselves to feel through the energies despite how turbulent and chaotic they feel. Part of this experience is feeling the torment because it is essential towards our ultimate goal - though you may not even know what the goal is yet. Trust that all experiences are meant to teach and that within each experience there are new discoveries and reminders that we have yet made complete peace with.


Light Body DVD

Discover how to connect with “Emissaries of Inner Peace” — beings of Light who can help us cultivate a cosmic tree of life and provide guidance during moments of deep meditation. Such beings are said to manifest as spheres of light that appear over sacred mountains of the earth from Tibet, India and South America, to Machu Picchu and the pyramids of Egypt. Based on the best-selling book by J.J. Hurtak, The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch. 114 minutes.

68" Yoga Essentials® Mat (3mm)

Part of practicing yoga safely means having the right, durable yoga mat to assist you in yoga poses. Gaiam's best-selling Yoga Essentials® Mat. Cushioned, light-tack non-slip surface with just the right cushioning for your bones and joints. Does not contain latex. 68"L x 24"W x 3mm thick. Taiwan.

Get a FREE yoga workout video when you buy any Gaiam yoga mat! You’ll receive a beginner level workout download from the bestselling Gaiam DVD “Yoga for Beginners II.” Look for the code on your new Gaiam mat.

Light Body DVD

Discover how to connect with “Emissaries of Inner Peace” — beings of Light who can help us cultivate a cosmic tree of life and provide guidance during moments of deep meditation. Such beings are said to manifest as spheres of light that appear over sacred mountains of the earth from Tibet, India and South America, to Machu Picchu and the pyramids of Egypt. Based on the best-selling book by J.J. Hurtak, The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch. 114 minutes.

Earth Voice Food Choice DVD

Earth Voice Food Choice is a multimedia, digitally enhanced slide presentation that demonstrates how our shortsighted food choices are impacting the Earth and how our eating habits developed from childhood. This eye-opening film focuses on the negative impacts of eating too much chemically processed animal and junk foods, and demonstrates how we can protect our most valued resources of air, water, soil and our children's health. You'll learn about the Earth's life support systems, travel to the inner workings of the human body and learn how to use a healthy diet to combat disease. Earth Voice Food Choice also delves into the importance of the organic food movement and the negative effects of traditional agricultural practices. 100 minutes including bonus features.

Timewave 2013: The Future Is Now DVD

With a positive take on what we can expect in the future, the sequel to 2012: The Odyssey takes the “end date” theme one step further. Sharron Rose discusses with experts fascinating topics like mythology, alchemy, global warming, the role of media in our lives, the galactic alignment and much more. 88 minutes.

Millennium Gaia Statue

Holding the Earth in her womb, the stunning Millennium Gaia Statue is an enchanting presence and a lovely vision of Mother Earth. This masterful, amazingly textured and richly accented ceramic statue celebrates the earthly essence of Gaia. Numerous living and extinct animals, flowers, plants, birds and trees are entwined in her leafy hair and etched on her skin, and her facial features are a blend of all races. She symbolizes the interconnectedness of all being. A wonderful teaching tool for your children, the statue comes with a printed guide to every image. Bring Gaia into your environment for a magical and grounding reminder of Mother Earth. USA.

I Can Do It Weekend Retreats - Hay House

Now you can spend the weekend listening to some of the most inspiring authors of today in a unique setting, the I Can Do It! Conference.  
You can meet your favorite authors and see them live. You will enjoy the opportunity to listen to them speak in either keynotes or workshops, for either one day or an entire weekend event with optional pre-conference workshops. 
This annual conference gives you the opportunity to relax and enjoy a forum where each speaker offers the opportunity for spiritual and body enlightenment. Don’t miss this highly recommended and unforgettable experience at the venue of your choice. We are looking forward to meeting you there!

Grace, Gaia, and The End of Days

In this book, Stuart Wilde gives you the keys to levels of metaphysical comprehension and sophistication not normally understood. Stuart says that we are in the Kali Yuga, the Age of Destruction, when the self-correcting intelligence of the planet (Gaia) will take back Earth on behalf of the animals, nature, and the little children. He says there are battles currently raging in the spiritual worlds between the forces of light and the ghouls (dark entities) in order to free us all. He describes a power he calls the Solar Logos, which he says comes to Earth to deliver a rebirth he calls the Renewal. As such, he calls this time the “End of Days”—not because the world will end, but because it is the end of the world as we know it.

“The divine wind of grace offers you hope and good fortune; it can cure everything. It can grant you an invisible protection, a miraculous healing; it can offer you visions through what I call ‘pure information,’ which is downloaded info that comes to you directly as visions, extrasensory perception, and dreams. Grace can carry you to dimensions and places of learning far beyond anything discovered by human beings before. Grace can grant you clemency for your darkness and liberate you. Grace is pure love, a great gift, the Sacred Healer, but it is one that is poorly understood.”
— Stuart Wilde

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