Rate Changes and New Services Coming Soon

Beloved Soul Friends,

I’m sending this email out to advise that effect July 1st, 2013 my rates on services will be increasing. 

Unfortunately, I need to raise my rates - those of you that are familiar with my readings know that I rarely stay within the 1 hour time frame and have never charged for the overage of time. The reason I allow the overage of time is because I firmly focused 100% on need of the client which also enables you to ask any additional questions based on your personal need. This is true for every single service I provide in both Spiritual and Holistic Wellness.

All of my readings fall within 1 ½ hr – 2 hrs time frame, Instead of charging double the amount for the 1 hour of service, I will only raise my rates minimally; I fully intend to honor the same service/timeframe that you have all become accustomed to but unfortunately I cannot financially justify the additional time without an additional charge. So instead of charging for the overage of time I am officially making the readings 1 ½ - 2 hour readings and completely omitting the ½ and 1 hour readings.  In addition to the price changes, the CD recordings will now be an optional purchase for Tarot Sessions only.



You CD Reading Recordings available on Mystical Corner’s website

Anyone that has purchased a CD recording in the past will soon be able to access a personal archive page on www.mysticalcorner.com of all your past recordings. You will be able to log in and download your readings on to your computer for the duration of 1 year. This service will not be an additional charge, however, in order to a have access to your recordings you must purchase CD recording at the time of your reading. 

Akashic Readings:

The divine knowing of the entire experience of your soul

Within the Akashic Records, is point of view of your pure essence; your divine souls evolution. This view widens your focus and helps you move into a dynamic perspective who you are and all that you will become. We will delve deeply into the experiences of your life and past lives from a broader perspective, not from emotional body or Ego self that may cloud or abstracts your true and pure view that is your true divine nature mind, body and spirit.

Entura Art Portraits

Personal Channeled Psychic Art in which you will be able to physically see the divine beings that are you brotherhood of lights: Spiritual Guides, Arch Angels, Avatars, and other spiritual beings that walk hand in hand with you throughout your life.  In addition to the visual image, you’ll receive a personal message that is essential to your overall spiritual and holistic wellness.


Price Changes Effective July 1st, 2013 for Spiritual Services:

(½ Hour Tarot Readings have been omitted entirely)

Tarot Reading: 1 ½ - 2 Hour reading: $ 85.00

Optional CD Recording: $ 5.00

(½ Hour Channel Readings have been omitted entirely)

Channel Reading: 1 ½ - 2 Hour reading $ 85.00

Spiritual Counseling 2 Hour Session: $ 80.00

Cleansings:  Personal: $60.00

Home: (Single family/Townhouse/Condo/Villa): $90.00

Multilevel Home: $130.00

Price Changes Effective July 1st, 2013 for Holistic Services:

Regression: $ 120.00

Color and Sound Healing and Trance Healing with Lotus Massage will now be converged.

These healings have always complimented one another and now you’ll be able to receive the benefit of both in combination.

Color and Sound Healing with Therapeutic Light Touch: $140.00


I thank you all infinitely for your continued faith in me and to my service of light. From the depth of my Soul, your trust and dedication to me fills me with bliss! 

I cannot express in words how honored and privileged I am that each you has entrusted your spiritual journeys, awakening, and enlightenment with me.  I look forward to our continued connections; each of you is an inspiration and a teacher to me as well. I’m dedicated in service to each of you. 



In true unity and oneness, in light and in divine unconditional love,


Tricia Saborio-Koike


Direct: 954.849.5052


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