The Chakras are the energetic wheels or flower-like centers that resonate through our entire subtle bodies. Though there are several Chakras throughout the body the most commonly known are the seven most pinnacle: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown. These energy centers infuse the body through the layers of the subtle body and rotate for the reception and transmission of energies.
Color and Sound Healing is a unique technique requires the healer to use color pomanders: Aura Soma™ that helps to infuse the body with the colors through visualization. Sacred sound, breath work, and verbal toning are all combined within each of the energy Chakra centers to find the imbalances throughout the body then aligned and stimulated to rotate according to its function. When these Chakras vibrate with the combined and corresponding color and sound - the result is a complete and harmonious alignment of well being and resounding attunement.
Healing time ranges between 1 hour and 1½ hours.
Price: $140.00
Please fill out the required Release Form prior to your consultation: Release Statement
Through the use of Hypnosis the exploration of age and past life regressions is one of the more significant transforming tools available for healing. It enables you to explore your transpersonal subconscious mind beyond the usual limits of ego and personality. It is a journey back through time that allows you to recall past events that may have led to symptoms or difficulties in the present time. Regression, whether age or past life has the ability to give you focus on how you view yourself and the world.
Over time our lives can begin to feel fragmented, this is often a result from different incarnations or experiences during different phases of your current life. Past life regression and/or age regression enables you to come away with a greater realization and self awareness of the internal nature of your being, and how you connect to others.
This is a journey into the archive of your subconscious self which enables you to define and gather all the pieces who we are from a more profound perspective. It helps with eliminating unhelpful or repeating patterns. The experience through this process is an uplifting and eye opening adventure that enables you to redefine who you are from a more profound perspective.
Price: $120.00 per session*
*Discount pricing applies with two or more sessions details to be agreed upon prior to consultation.
Please fill out the required Client Intake and Consent and Release form below:
Hypnosis Client Intake and Consent and Release Form
**Practice Disclaimer: The scope of my business with emphasis on hypnosis is widely base on and of a spiritual nature. It does not in any way serve to provide medical counseling and/or be a medical practice or therapy. Under Florida Statue I am not legally permitted to call myself a Hypnotherapist. Although my training and certification state otherwise - I will not under any circumstances eradicate Florida Law.