Journal Question: Do I have the ability to express kindness to all those I encounter? What can I learn from Spirit by honoring acts of kindness??
Today let us choose to practice kindness. As we encounter others, shed happiness in your greetings them. Think of them as traveling companions on life’s journey. Offer a warm smile or a few words of appreciation to a friend or a stranger. Acts of kindness bring positive energy to both giver and receiver, then ripple out to others as a blessing.
When we inquire about someone’s day, honor them by really listening deeply to their replies. If you miss an opportunity for kindness, remind yourself that the next opportunity is only moments away. Kindness does not only extend to people, consciously make efforts to meet nature with kindness as well. Honoring Mother Earth (Gaia) is equally important, take care of her so that she can take care of you. Create an infinite cycle of love and keep the flow going. In giving you receive the limitless affection of Spirit. Spirit is within all things; in kindness we recognize the true power of love especially towards those we do not know personally. Giving an act of kindness has the ability to shift the energy of any person that may be experiencing something profoundly upsetting. It will break the shackles of fear, anger, and depression. Be kind to everyone and remember to be kind to yourself. Today you have an opportunity to extend your hand; reach out and touch someone’s soul. Do so with an open heart, spread your love and remind anyone you meet today that Love truly does exist and that it “can” come from someone they don’t even know.
Affirmation: In kindness, I honor the divine within us all. I affirm: With kindness I give, and in kindness I live.
Quote in picture: "Treat everyone with Politeness, even those who are rude to you - but not because they are nice, but because you are."
~Unknown Author