Today I am reminded that I stand in the fullness of my true nature

I am free. The sensation and feeling of that statement is so empowering! I invoke such strength and power from those three simple words. And in my creativity have formulated the space for true freedom in my life. I have worked hard to release the chains of my past and in doing so have found the fortitude to open all the possibilities of my future.

To be free is to no longer stand in a place of pain, anger and hurt but to move forward into peace, happiness and true joy. I can do so because I have made the simple choice to live by my divine birthright of freedom rather than bind myself to the restrictions that I used to accept as my truth.

I am a spiritual being that feels not the limitations of the world, but much perfer to be a catalyst - a beacon of light for all those who seek spiritual wellness as a preferred way of life. I am free - and so are all of you. Make the choice today and everyday to free yourself from the self imposed limitations and make an effort to attract only those things that are in your highest and best. The choice is after all yours - no one is allowed to dictate the course of your life. Stand in the fullness of your True Spirit and Truth.

Affirm: I am absolutely and unconditionally FREE!!

I bring this message to all of you from the deepest part of my being, and so hope that it brings resonance into your life. To feel freedom in its most purest form is a divine gift, one that requires leg work and deep insight in to your "self". The work by no means is easy, but the outcome is so profound. I thank God/dess every day for the strength they gave me to be able to pursue and conquer the most difficult parts of my "self". I wish the same for all of you - Enjoy and bask in the freedom of your spirit; live your light everyday and never look back.

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